Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Organ Transplant - 2291 Words

An organ transplant is a surgical operation conducted to replace an organ unable to function properly with a new one. An organ, in turn, is an accumulation of cells and tissues gathered to perform the functions of body. Therefore, any part of the body which acts as a performer of specific function is called an organ. There are two possible ways of how the organ donation (OD) can take place. The first is the donation of cadaveric organs (organs from recently deceased people). The decision to donate in this way requires the consent of a person in the form of an indication on the driver license, like in the USA (Gruessner, Benedetti, 2008, 54) or health care document as an organ donor card, in Netherlands, Sweden, Ireland, for example†¦show more content†¦Generally, Buddhism considers OD to be a positive act of human. Buddhists say that when a person dies, he should be treated with a care, but there is no essential focus on physical integrity, i.e. body is not necessary to be k ept integral (Oliver et al, 2010, 4). From this one might come up with a thought that buddhists’ focus on spiritual development and individual consciousness is given much attention in the religion, while preservation of physical body might not be crucial. Consequently, giving an organ to another person would not be perceived as inappropriate act, but rather as an expression of generosity and altruism. From the evidences presented above it may be concluded that none of the major religions forbids OD to be done by a person. Basically, they encourage people to make self-sacrificial, compassionate and benevolent to the humanity acts, such as donations. Likewise, some religions leave a space for people to identify whether they suppose OD to be an act of charity or mistreatment of individual’s self-esteem by themselves. 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